Living with Survival
"I don't want to survive! I want to live!"
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Bayridge WiFi Sevice
Wifi Performance Report
Bayridge is a beautiful and historic building but as such it is very difficult to equip with WiFi coverage. In an effort to help prioritize WiFi coverage improvements we are providing this form to make it as easy as possible to report problems. If you could take the time to report your quality of service (GOOD OR BAD) using this form, it will help us focus on the trouble spots
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
What location are you reporting about
- select room -
Reception Desk
Living Room
Downstairs cafe area
Downstairs common area
Room 49A
Room 410A
Room 411A
Room 412A
Room 52A
Room 53A
Room 54A
Room 55A
Room 57A
Room 58A
Room 59A
Room 510A
Room 21R
Room 22R
Room 23R
Room 24R
Room 27R
Room 28R
Room 29R
Room 210R
Room 211R
Room 31R
Room 32R
Room 33R
Room 36R
Room 37R
Room 38R
Room 39R
Room 310R
Room 41R
Room 42R
Room 43R
Room 44R
Room 47R
Room 48R
Room 49R
Room 410R
Room 50R
Room 51R
Room 52R
Room 53R
Room 54R
Room 56R
Room 57R
Room 58R
Room 59R
Room 510R
Please select the specific room or area from the drop down.
How good is your WiFi service at the above location?
- select best description -
Works really well
Works adequately
Works but is too slow
Getting a connection takes forever
Connection goes in and out
Failed to connect
Choose the best description of your WiFi Service.
How often do you experience the service you are reporting?
- select frequency of problem -
This one time
Roughly this time most days
Randomly throughout the day
All the time
This helps determine if the problem is affected by how busy the network is vs a general problem area
Device you were using at the time of this report
- select device type -
Smart phone
Other (Alexa, Home Pod, etc)
Approximate age of the device
- select age in years -
1 - 2 years
3 - 5 years
6 - 8 years
> 8 years
This helps us identify device compatibility issues that may affect service
Additional information
Optional added details you might care to add (any information helps us)